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Sand and ceramics vessels


1,5 hr outdoors activity + 1,5 hr ceramics workshop (multifunctional small vessel)

All levels

14 +



15 (with a minimum of 10)


Sunday 29/09/2024
9.30 - 12.30 am

70 €. This includes: coffee, tea, snack

Dutch & English

Join us for a special pottery workshop designed in collaboration with coach Kim Kroone from Ministerie van Mogelijkheden / Ministry of Possibilities.


The workshop combines an outdoors open-your-creativity session with Kim on the Scheveningen beach, followed by a pottery workshop in our studio. We will guide you into the process of creating your own multi-functional small vessel. The workshop time includes learning how to decorate your piece with underglazes.


All pieces will be dried and bisque fired at The Clay Table, glazed by our team and fired a second time. The finished pottery vessels will be food-safe and ready for pick up within 4 weeks from the date of the workshop.


Kim Kroone is an experienced personal development coach and trainer. She spends most of her time outdoors on the North Sea coast which she now knows like the back of her hand. Read here more about Kim


Cancelation & Refund Policy:

To receive a full* refund or to reschedule your booking, you must notify at least 14 days prior to the session you have booked. Within 14 days of the scheduled workshop, there will be no refunds for cancellations or no-shows.*Minus a 10€ administrations cost fee.

  • Walk on the beach, creativity exercises, pottery workshop

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    70 euros
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